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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Cooking with Linda

LINDA she works for the U.N. and is a teacher: her great African mam.

She doesn't use any ready made food just like Hiyama Sensei She makes coconut milk out of fresh coconut.

She put grained coconut into traditional squeezer.

She squeezed coconut in warm water.

When its boiled, she put rice in it to make Coconut Rice.

We waited until water is evaporated.

It is impressive. Removed fired charcoal and put it on top just like Dutch oven and waited 30 minutes.

She uses only fresh seasonings.

she really works hard, and whatever she does is so impressive.

Cooking wild chicken for Pirau which is coast style chicken rice.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Thank you Kayte and Kiyoko

Thank you for everything Kayte who will be the first female Home Chef in Kenya and Kiyoko is very good cloth designer.

world famous Kenyan barbeque Yama Choma,

Masai's goat meat. It was so yammy.